Wednesday, May 12, 2010


March 19, IA08 went to São Francisco do Sul to know the historical side of the city. We had navigated for the sea there, to explore with our teacher all the good things of ‘SANFRAN’. the name of the teacher is Mariléia, and she had teached us about the museum of the city, talking about the diversity that there is in that place, and trying to take us to see, and to talk with our friends what we guess about it.
The trip was so nice, because the majority of the IA08 follow all the rules which was indicated by the teacher. They had dived in the sea, and swim to the other side of the island. And they had taken a lot of photos. We had walked on the ‘Francisquinha’ and enjoyed it. That was a great walking. Had you been there before? If not, you have to know because São Francisco do Sul is a very, very historical place, one of the oldest city in Brazil!
Beyond all things that we passed, we had lunched all together, and stayed enjoying all the visual that the city has to show for everybody. And then we went back to the adventure!
We hadn’t realized that the travel will be so fun, and we will be waiting that IA08 travel more times together, and that this moment will be unforgettable for everybody!

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