Sunday, May 30, 2010


Future Continuous has two different forms: "will be doing " and "be going to be doing." Unlike Simple Future forms, Future Continuous forms are usually interchangeable. Here, we’ll speak about the form with “Will”.

FORM Future Continuous with "Will".

[will be + present participle]

  • You will be waiting for her when her plane arrives tonight.
  • Will you be waiting for her when her plane arrives tonight?
  • You will not be waiting for her when her plane arrives tonight.

USE 1 Interrupted Action in the Future

Use the Future Continuous to indicate that a longer action in the future will be interrupted by a shorter action in the future. Remember this can be a real interruption or just an interruption in time.

  • I will be watching TV when she arrives tonight.
  • I will be waiting for you when your bus arrives.
  • He will be studying at the library tonight, so he will not see Jennifer when she arrives.

USE 2 Specific Time as an Interruption in the Future

In USE 1, described above, the Future Continuous is interrupted by a short action in the future. In addition to using short actions as interruptions, you can also use a specific time as an interruption.
  • At midnight tonight, we will still be driving through the desert.
    We will be in the process of driving through the desert.

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